Therapy for Struggles with Self-Esteem, Self-Criticism, and Self-Worth

At the Reflective Therapy Group (RTG), we understand that negative feelings about oneself can impact every aspect of one’s life. We also know that struggles with self-esteem and self-image are often deep-rooted in nature and not easy to shift without help. We believe it is important to understand how one has developed such a negative view while also helping the individual focus on ways they can change their story and perspective about who they are.

Signs of struggles with self-esteem, self-criticism, & self-worth

  • You often feel you are not “enough” in some sort of way – “successful” enough, “attractive” enough, “intelligent” enough, “outgoing” enough, “self-disciplined” enough, __________ enough (fill in the blank).

  • You beat yourself up for your screw-ups, thinking it will make you be better or do better next time.

  • You feel like an imposter or fraud – and are convinced that you will eventually be “found out!”

  • You have outward signs of success or achievement, but it doesn’t make you feel better about yourself.

  • You struggle with perfectionism – it is hard to live up to your own expectations of yourself and you may find it overwhelming or hard to start or finish something because it has to be “perfect.” 

  • You often use harsh, criticizing, or even cruel language when you talk about yourself.

  • You feel shame for being who you are.

  • You have a hard time saying no, setting limits, and advocating for yourself.

  • You feel that if you are true to yourself, others will not accept you or want to be with you.

  • You constantly feel that you are fighting a battle with yourself — one that you ultimately lose.

Our psychoanalytic focus is designed to help you delve into the underlying causes of these challenges and help you change the way you view yourself. Often we learn to view ourselves a certain way because of unconscious beliefs we developed in our lives. We explore the unconscious patterns, childhood experiences, social and cultural experiences, relational patterns, and unresolved conflicts that shape your self-perception and impact how you see yourself.

Why Choose the Reflective Therapy Group (RTG)?

  • Psychoanalytic Expertise – Our therapists have training and expertise in psychoanalytic thinking, which we use as a tool to help you explore the complexities of your mind and influences that impact the way you have come to see yourself. Often, we intellectually know that the way we see ourselves is not “logical” or “correct,” yet emotionally we still buy into these negative beliefs. Knowing something logically and knowing it emotionally are two different things. It is not as simple as just “reframing” or “thinking differently.” Understanding how you came to see yourself a certain way often gives people insight that empowers them to change their narrative moving forward. 

  • In-Depth Exploration – Psychoanalytic therapy offers a unique opportunity to understand your own mind at a different level, uncovering hidden beliefs, fears, and emotions that may contribute to your struggles with self-esteem, self-criticism, and self-worth. We seek to understand the types of experiences that have impacted how you see yourself and explore ways in which past experiences may influence you more than your realize. By exploring these often unrecognized processes, we can identify more realistic and effective ways of relating to yourself. 

  • Relationship Focus – Our therapists recognize the profound influence of relationships on our self-perception. We explore the dynamics of your past and present relationships, helping you understand how they shape your beliefs about yourself. Through this exploration, we work towards healing and fostering healthier connections with others and yourself. 

  • Unconditional Acceptance – Our therapists provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your inner world. We understand the vulnerability and courage required to look at yourself at a deeper level, and we offer unwavering support and acceptance as you navigate this type of exploration.

  • Long-Term Growth – Our hope is that you will walk away from therapy having made some changes that you carry with you moving forward. We are not interested in just putting a bandaid on your struggles. We want to help you heal wounds that impact your self-image so you can move forward. We hope to foster lasting change by helping you both understand the underlying causes of your struggles with self-esteem while also focusing on ways to challenge and shift these longstanding patterns and beliefs. 

  • Self-Discovery and Self-Acceptance – We focus on helping you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your motivations, and your unique journey. This self-discovery fosters self-acceptance, enabling you to embrace your imperfections, build resilience, and cultivate a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Stop fighting this never-ending battle with yourself. We can help you change the way you see yourself.

Reach out to us today to get started.